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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles must be original and unpublished, and not be under evaluation for publication by any other journal. If any of these conditions are not met, they must be stated in the "comments to the editor".

  • The journal accepts preprints. If you have submitted your article to a preprint server, please inform the DOI upon submission, in the “Comments to the Editor” box.

  • I am aware that BJR adopts Open Science practices. I authorize the editors to submit the preprint version of the manuscript in the EmeRI repository and to publish the opinions on my article after its publication.

  • Articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.

  • DOIs and URLs for references must be included, when possible

  • Articles must meet the Norms for Submission and the journal's template ; use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses). Figures and tables must be included in the article, and not as an attached file at the end of the document.

  • Articles must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements outlined in Guidelines for Authors .
  • The instructions in Ensuring Blind Peer Review must be followed.

Author Guidelines

Original and unpublished articles. Articles submitted to BJR must be original and unpublished, may be written by doctorates or doctoral students on the Theory of Journalism, Research in Journalism, and Criticism of Journalism, and must prioritize research results. Master’s degree holders and undergraduate and Master’s students may submit articles that have been co-authored by PhD researchers or doctoral students.

Proceedings and versions. Any article previously published in proceedings, journals, books or repositories, regardless of language, will be automatically rejected during the initial evaluation stage.

Dossiers and constant flow. BJR accepts a constant flow of articles, preferably those that present research results. In addition, the journal publishes special dossiers on specific topics in journalism, the submission schedule of which is detailed in a Call for Papers.

Time between publications. Authors who have already published in the journal must wait for a period of 16 months (four issues) before having a new article (authorship or co-authorship) published.

Submission limits. The editors recommend that authors submit only one article for review, as per the time between publications described above.

Intellectual authorship. The submitted article must be the intellectual property of the author. The author must correctly include the data and references used and give credit to the author or source of information consulted. The author must also declare that all material included in his/her work is copyright free and that any legal disputes or claims related to intellectual property rights are the responsibility of said author, thus absolving the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Journalism (SBPJor), the journal itself and its editors of any responsibility for the materials presented in the articles.

Author contribution. Articles with two or more authors must inform of each researcher’s contribution to the article. Authors must compulsorily meet the following two basic requirements for contributing to articles submitted to the journal: a) actively participate in the discussion of results; b) review and approve the final version of the article. Additionally, we recommend that specific contributions regarding the article layout, the theoretical and methodological procedures, and the writing of the text be listed.

Languages for submissions.  BJR accepts submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. Any author who submits an article in Portuguese, Spanish or French must also send an English version 15 (fifteen) days after the article has been accepted by BJR.

OJS system. The submission of articles and monitoring of the editorial process must be carried out via the OJS System. If necessary, the editors may be contacted by email:



The journal accepts preprints. If you have submitted this article to a preprint server, please enter the DOI at the time of submission in the “Comments to the Editor” box.

Submitting research data. Brazilian Journalism Research encourages authors to share their research data. Authors who wish to do so must include, at the time of submission, a supplementary file in Word format containing the data, and an authorization allowing the availability of such data under the CC-BY 4.0 International license. The data will be formatted and entered into the BJR Open Data repository, hosted at OSFHome.

Authors may also host the data on another repository and forward the access data (URL or DOI) to the editors. A link to access the research data must be included in the article for publishing.



Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses provided to the journal are used exclusively for scientific dissemination purposes. This data will not be made available by BJR for other purposes.