Miquel Rodrigo Alsina: Theorist on journalism, intercultural communication and news construction process
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Palabras clave

Rodrigo Alsina
news making
intercultural communication

Cómo citar

Santana, A., & Correia, J. C. (2008). Miquel Rodrigo Alsina: Theorist on journalism, intercultural communication and news construction process. Brazilian Journalism Research, 4(1), 44–52. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v4n1.2008.134


One of the main theorists of contemporary communication, the Catalan Miquel Rodrigo Alsina has a strong influence on the research carried out in scientific areas related to Journalism Theory, Communication Theory and Intercultural Communication, in Portugal and Brazil. Concerned with the theoretical questions raised by everyday journalistic practice, Rodrigo Alsina is also one of the most relevant researchers in the intercultural communication field, supporting the need for academic education in such matters in the training of future communicators. The author of six books, his thinking is one of the most frequently quoted in scientific works on journalism, in both countries.
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