What does video-camera framing say during the news? A look at contemporary forms of visual journalism
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Cómo citar

Freire Gutmann, J. (2012). What does video-camera framing say during the news? A look at contemporary forms of visual journalism. Brazilian Journalism Research, 8(2), 64–79. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v8n2.2012.463


In order to contribute to the discussion about audiovisual processing of journalistic information, this article examines connections between the uses of video framing on the television news stage, contemporary senses, public interest and the distinction values of journalism, addressed here through the perspective of the concepts of conversation and participation. The article identifies recurring video framing techniques used by 15 Brazilian television newscasts, accounting for contemporary forms of audiovisual telejournalism, responsible for new types of spatial-temporal configurations. From a methodological perspective, this article seeks to contribute to the study of the television genre by understanding the uses of these audiovisual techniques as a strategy for newscast communicability.

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