The Spin Doctors of news sources
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Palabras clave

News sources
Relationship between sources and journalists
Spin doctor

Cómo citar

Schmitz, A. A., & Karam, F. J. C. (2013). The Spin Doctors of news sources. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(1), 96–113.


This paper examines in a historical context, with reference to concrete cases, the phenomenon of spin doctors. What is it? How does it act? What is its purpose? Where does it operate? And what are its consequences? These questions are raised in order to help identify the actions and strategies benefitting news sources, as well as the impact on journalism: the accommodation of journalists, the reduction or elimination of investigative journalism, the transference of the news to digital social networks, and the expansion of media sources. The article draws on a survey conducted with 163 news sources and journalists, on the premise that spin doctors are professional communicators, who are able to forge public opinion using processes, procedures, journalist’s co-optation, and knowledge of journalism and public relations, in order to be successful in the media, or directly with the target audience.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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