Critical journalism: the progressive” Brazilian bloggers case
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Palabras clave

Political journalism
Professional identity
“Progressive” bloggers

Cómo citar

Guazina, L. S. (2013). Critical journalism: the progressive” Brazilian bloggers case. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(2), 68–87.


This paper aims at understanding what comprises the professional identity of a well-known group of experienced Brazilian journalists who, at the same time, express their political opinion in independent blogs and define themselves as “progressive” or “dirty”. Our objective is to understand how these bloggers define and practice journalism in their blogs and how they view their work in a democratic context. Through various interviews, we mapped out their main journalistic values and described their professional identity as blogger journalists who advocate critical journalism, in other words, opinionated journalism. The results showed that these journalists consider their blogs to be a place for a wide range of opinions against traditional media, and that their main job as online journalists is to be vigilant in relation to political powers, including the media which is seen as an important and relevant political actor in Brazil.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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