User x newspaper interaction on a social network site: evidence of change
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Palabras clave

Grounded Theory
Social networking

Cómo citar

Teixeira, M. (2014). User x newspaper interaction on a social network site: evidence of change. Brazilian Journalism Research, 10(1), 184–209.


This paper aims to establish a discussion of the relationship between users x newspapers in cyberspace or, more specifically, in a Computer Mediated Communication Tool (CMC), the social networking site (SNS) Facebook. To establish the discussion proposed, this paper broke for exploration of interactions between users of Facebook and a newspaper of national expression, the Folha de São Paulo (FSP), through methodological procedures advocated by Grounded Theory (TF). Thus, there was the manual collection of a news report published by FSP on Facebook and of the 207 comments that followed. The analysis and systematization of data served to consolidate the intended debate and the social changes that shift the journalism position as the organizer legitimate of human experience.
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