News Agencies, Development, and the State: Models of the BRICS Countries
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News agencies
Development communication

Cómo citar

Aguiar, P. (2016). News Agencies, Development, and the State: Models of the BRICS Countries. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(1), 34–57.


News agencies have had a privileged role in the development of national and international communication systems, particularly at the periphery of capitalism, being primarily responsible for circulation in the information economy. In countries of Africa, South Asia, Eurasia and Latin America, they constituted prioritised foundations whilst building the institutional structure of the state, designed to boost development. Different models supplied determinants to policies in those countries, such as the choice between public or private ownership, independence or links to global agencies, import or export of information. Taking into account these paradigms and their hybrids, this paper examines the various models of constitution and operation of news agencies that were adopted in emerging countries in the 21st century, nominally the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), particularly in regards to the State, to ownership and business, and to their respective roles in strategies for national development.
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