Petrobras’s blog and journalism: what ethical issues are we talking about?
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Comment citer

Dalmonte, E. F. (2010). Petrobras’s blog and journalism: what ethical issues are we talking about?. Brazilian Journalism Research, 6(2), 58–68.


This article discusses the case of Petrobras’s blog, called Facts and Data (Fatos e Dados), created to be a channel for direct communication with the society and a place for presenting the official version of information concerning this state-owned company. Taken as a parameter for questions relating to the ethical issues involved in this communication experience, it suggests some reflections beyond possible redefinitions of making communication as opposed to doing journalism. In presenting its version of events directly to the society, the company opted for a model of unmediated communication, which requires the redefinition of the speech platforms and visibility. It also proposes a reflection on discourse ethics, especially regarding the ideal of individual participation in the processes of debate concerning matters of public interest.
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