On the (dis)continuity of the cases in the newspapers: the coverage of domestic violence against children and adolescents
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Children and adolescents
Daily press

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Antunes, E., & Lara, E. C. (2013). On the (dis)continuity of the cases in the newspapers: the coverage of domestic violence against children and adolescents. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(1), 188–207. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v9n1.2013.564


This paper discusses the presences and absences that journalistic stories put into play to address violence against children and adolescents committed by people with whom they have ties of kinship or trust and coexistence. The analysis focuses on texts (letters from readers, articles, editorials, news and reports) published in 2008 and 2009, in three daily newspapers in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais: Estado de Minas, O Tempo and Super Notícia. Based on Content Analysis, we have systematized reports, pointing out the types of violence that appear more frequently as well as the locations in which these events unfold and the actors identified as responsible for the violent gesture. We also discuss how the analyzed newspapers confirm the existence of "preferential victims" and how certain events receive more attention than others.

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