Popular participation and news values in telejournalism: interaction and citizenship
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Moraes, A., Temer, A. C. P., & Coelho, B. (2013). Popular participation and news values in telejournalism: interaction and citizenship. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(2), 128–145. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v9n2.2013.608


This article consists of a reflection on the citizenship regarding means of communication, more specifically television. It is based on the principle that the viewer’s participation in television news program content should be configured as a right and, therefore, a citizenship guarantee. The study shows how journalists can be involved in the practice of citizenship, basing on the newsworthiness criteria that shape these professionals’ routines in the production process of news that is conveyed in telejournalism. The object of this research is the news frame “Quero ver na TV” (“I want to see on TV”), created by Anhanguera Television, affiliated with Rede Globo, to be aninteractivity channel among viewers and journalists.

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