Any Role for Mock News? Normative Journalism through Barcelona’s and the Daily Show’s Critical Narratives
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Normative Journalism
The Daily Show

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Pereira Jácome, P. (2016). Any Role for Mock News? Normative Journalism through Barcelona’s and the Daily Show’s Critical Narratives. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(2), 178–197.


From the characterization of a normative discourse of journalism, this article seeks to investigate the role played by contemporary meta-journalistic media outlets that question this normativity. With examples of an Argentine print publication and an American TV show, we wonder how such products used textual forms and narrative strategies that could be recognized as "typical journalistic" to confront, through irony and parody, the ways in which the hegemonic journalistic outlets configure their realities. Our hypothesis is that the narrative techniques of these publications serve as indices of a depletion of journalistic objectivity procedures.
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