Glimpses of a New York Emerging from Silence: Joseph Mitchell’s Journalistic Memorial Essay
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Literary Journalism
Memoir writing
Joseph Mitchell
The New Yorker

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Passos, M. Y. (2017). Glimpses of a New York Emerging from Silence: Joseph Mitchell’s Journalistic Memorial Essay. Brazilian Journalism Research, 13(1), 90–107.


This paper discusses ‘Street Life’, ‘Days in the Branch’ and ‘A Place of Pasts’, excerpts fragments from The New Yorker reporter Joseph Mitchell’s unfinished memoir book he started writing during his famous period of silence from 1964 to 1994. Within the scope of Mitchell’s writings, this group of texts may be considered as part of his fourth period of writing, one that was gradually established between the mid-1940s and early 1960s. They also constitute a unique genre of journalism which is referred to here as his memorial essay.

Este artigo discute “Street Life”, “Days in the Branch’ e “A Place of Pasts”, fragmentos do livro de memórias inacabado que Joseph Mitchell, repórter da revista The New Yorker, começou a produzir durante seu famoso período de silêncio entre 1964 e 1996. Dentro do contexto maior da obra de Mitchell, os textos podem ser compreendidos como uma quarta fase de sua produção, formada gradualmente entre a segunda metade dos anos 1940 e o início dos anos 1960, e constituem um gênero jornalístico singular, aqui denominado ensaio-memorial.

Este artículo discute ‘Street Life’, ‘Days in the Branch’ y ‘A Place of Pasts’, fragmentos del libro memorialístico inconcluso que Joseph Mitchell, reportero de la revista The New Yorker, empezó a escribir durante su famoso periodo de silencio entre 1964 y 1996. En el contexto más amplio de la obra de Mitchell, los textos pueden ser comprendidos como una cuarta fase de su producción, gradualmente formada entre la
segunda mitad de los 1940 y el inicio de los 1960, constituyendo un género periodístico singular, aquí llamado ensayo memorial.
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