Media Accountability Systems: Models, proposals and outlooks


social responsibility

Como Citar

Silva, L. M. da, & Paulino, F. O. (2007). Media Accountability Systems: Models, proposals and outlooks. Brazilian Journalism Research, 3(1), 137–153.


This paper analyzes one of the basic actions of SOS-Imprensa, the mechanism to assure Media Accountability with the goal of proposing a synthesis of models for the Brazilian reality. The article aims to address the possibilities of creating and improving mechanisms to stimulate the democratic press process and to mark out and assure freedom of speech and personal rights with respect to the media. Based on the Press Social Responsibility Theory, the hypothesis is that the experiences analyzed (Communication Council, Press Council, Ombudsman and Readers Council) are alternatives for accountability, mediation and arbitration, seeking visibility, trust and public support in favor of fairer media.

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