The photographic image of everyday life: meaning and information in journalism


Visual journalism
Photo reporting
Urban life
Meanings in photography

Como Citar

Avancini, A. (2011). The photographic image of everyday life: meaning and information in journalism. Brazilian Journalism Research, 7(1), 48–66.


The theoretical foundations of this article are the conceptual principlesof the French intellectuals Philippe Dubois (based on the book Photographic Act), Roland Barthes (book: Camera Lucida) and Henri Cartier-Bresson (text: The Decisive Moment). Their texts are references for the purpose of providing a comprehension of the meanings ofphotographs in journalistic narratives. It is a critical debate aboutthe presence of the photographic image in journalism, reorganizing knowledge faced with its conceptual fragility, which gives digital photography an important role as document and information. Oneof the ideas to be considered rests on the assumption that today, inthe reconfiguration of the photographic studies of urban everyday life (identity crisis caused by digital technology), the meaning becomes more important than the image as an image.

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