Misunderstanding International News in Brazil


International news
taxonomy of bloom
reading and comprehension

Como Citar

Wainberg, J. (2006). Misunderstanding International News in Brazil. Brazilian Journalism Research, 2(1), 67–89. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v2n1.2006.68


This study evaluates the nature of the Brazilian public comprehension of international news by revealing the quality of such reception with regard to a sample of 170 subjects randomly selected in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. A questionnaire was created taking as a basis the directives of Bloom et al(1972). Evaluated in it are the cognitive and aff ective dimensions of thought. In the fi rst case, questions were formulated that allowed the establishment of the level of knowledge of individuals, as well as their comprehension abilities, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of a wide range of international news topics. For the aff ective dimension the following abilities were evaluated: attention, response, valorization, organization and the structuring of a value scale.

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