Journalistic Sources: Conceptual bases for a digital system


IJournalistic sources
cognitive sciences
biological memory

Como Citar

Junior, W. T. L. (2006). Journalistic Sources: Conceptual bases for a digital system. Brazilian Journalism Research, 2(2), 153–166.


This article contains definitions of concepts and a bibliographical revision of the fi rst part of the post-doctorate research work which aims at the production of software for the search for and qualitative validation of journalistic sources of information. The text touches on biological memory, decision-making and fundamental concepts for the choice of a journalistic source: nature of the source, credibility, prestige and currency. These aspects permeate and infl uence the choice (decision-making) of the professional who needs a source to carry out his work. They are classifi ed, categorized, structured and interrelated, in order to serve as consolidated, reliable parameters for software to perform the task of selection of the best journalistic sources without the mistakes/problems pointed out by researchers in the area.

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