The article discusses the graphic design of Segundo Caderno supplement from the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH). The study identifies and analyses witch graphical elements e what compositional strategies are used by the periodic, verifying how these area articulated with the editorial process and the values of the journalistic field. The methodological procedures utilized were bibliographical research; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a corpus composed by 24 editions of the months of June, August, September and October of 2011; observation of the productive routines; and non-structured interviews with five professionals of this supplement. The results showed that journalism possesses a strong e consolidated work culture, and that its constraints guide the design practice in this context. It was also observed that the ignorance of the reader's profile by the journalists, the mismatch between the possibility of advanced planning in virtue of the connection with the events agenda and the restricted use of visual resources, highlighting by a significant number of released photos.References
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